Sunday, February 9, 2014

Attention to fall on the ice slide!

Experienced as a result of snowfall and extreme icing sidewalks and overpasses is the biggest danger .
In these months, one must be very careful when walking down the street . Excessive frost and snow caused accidents, can have deadly consequences . Sprains and soft tissue injuries , especially in young people causing these accidents , can lead to severe fractures in the elderly .

Glides falling the most in arms open, hands fall on the form is seen to express experts, severe trauma experienced accidents related to the following stand out : "This drop shape after the finger joints , wrist , elbow and shoulder soft tissue crashes , fractures and dislocations are frequently seen . Longitudinal impact to the head , resulting in serious injury in an accident that led to the person must be taken without delay to the nearest health facility . "

1 - non-slip shoes and soft clothing should be worn .

2 - Hands should not be walking in the pocket .

3 - Small and slowly walked up , stair climbing, the feet should ensure that full contact with the steps .

4 - Get support from down the stairs with railings or exiting .

5 - Icing the area should be avoided .

6 - umbrella or walking stick when walking on slippery surfaces of the support should be .

7 - The softened sheets of ice under the snow might be forgotten .

8 - Possible case of a fall look palms should be ensured. Thus, the burden is reduced to the hips .

9 - The pelvis , back, waist and neck trauma , victims of accidents should be taken to the hospital without moving .

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